Backpacker’s Hostel in Northbridge, Perth

Northbridge Backpackers Hostel │Abandoned World Photography Urbex

This abandoned backpacker’s hostel in Northbridge, Perth, was a surprise find on my way to work one day. The stark blue colour really stood out and the building had a creepy vibe about it. That same day, I drove back to the site on my lunch break and managed to climb over the wall around the back (in a skirt). There was an open window, which was pretty high, but I was able to scale over it, but after all that effort, it was a dead end. The door leading out of the room didn’t lead into the hallway like I thought it would, I was met with a wall of concrete! Very annoying!

There were a lot of security signs around this site, and the neighbour gave me the evils when he saw me scoping it out, so watch out if you’re planning a trip to this strange, abandoned hostel in Perth!

Enjoy the photography gallery below and don’t forget to follow Abandoned World Photography for regular urbex updates on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

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